{ The night --- suddenly --- it becomes want see outside --- in the fog light turning & moves in --- the eye being clear, it does --- it is not different to the UFO ---
as for correct answer---}
{ Morning --- the person and the cat of this inn welcome --- and it is this luxurious view --- }
{ Switzerland:Italian border : mountain through Matterhorn to Montblanc --- }
{ Switzerland: French border : 7 horn peaks , shine in sunrise--- }
{ While that from the big big window which also about in width 3 m and height 1.5 m is, the meal doing, it is to be watched --- }
{ Naturally --- even from the terrace --- }
{ Figaro --- the Swiss mountain attack cat --- is }
{ And, it is an appearance of genuine Alpine attack captain }
{ --- Making here still 6 years ago. So, it was lucky to be able to guarantee the place where the view is good ---
the owner just USA ---
the photograph of snowy mountains attack --- her husband 2 weeks ago, climbed in Montblanc --- even in New Zealand --- }
{ View & the inn & the appearance person --- it is all outdoor very thing --- it becomes to want to advertise unintentionally }
* Inn name:CHALET ERMINA, inn generation(Double,with Breakfast): 120 SFr = 8 K Yen
* As for name of cat: Figaro ---the swiss mountain attack cat --- it will put out is
* As for name of the owner of Chalet Ermina:Ariane Giobellina -->
* As for name of the Alpine attack captain(owner's friend):Iris Abaecherli & Gary Dickson:(mountain-climber)
* as for Url:http://www.nsns.com/ermina / NEW - http://www.ermina.ch
* As for E-MAIL:agiobellina@bluewin.ch
* TEL/FAX:++ 41,244,941,261 /++ 41,244,941,627
* as for address:CH- 1854 leysin-switzerland , As for place of inn: here